Wednesday morning, Spellbook Slaves
Hey boss man, what exactly is your beef with The Torture Channel?
Well, there are two reasons. One, they got me in a terrible contract back when they set up a local branch in Eastlake. Two, I really don’t get along with most of their local management over many of their business practices. I mean, yeah back when this was all new, they made sense, but not now, twenty-four years into women slavery. I mean I did some of those things then, but I changed with the times, they haven’t. I have gotten over the contract, but their local management team makes dealing with them a no-go.
Well, I know you don’t keep up with the media, but did you know that they just fired all the male management and converted all the female management? Every one lower than C level management and above film director. Seems that something has gone wrong with their market share, and they decided that a complete shake up was called for. Eight of the local ex-management now slaves are going on public sale this Friday. Just thought you might like to know.
Hell yes! I wanted to hear that! We will buy all eight!
Do you mean bid on all eight?
No, I mean buy them. As long as the bids stay under seven thousand five hundred, we are winning the bidding wars. I’ve got a rainy day fund set aside for things like this.
You’ve got a sixty thousand dollar rain day fund? What the hell?
No, it’s about twice that, but sixty thou is all I’m willing to spend on them. But I bet that they go for under a thousand each. Not that many folks that have my level of anger at them. Maybe some parents whose daughters got caught up in an enslavement trap and snuffed painfully on camera. There may be a lot of those, but most of them are not local, and I’ll bet they aren’t willing to bid that high. Parents with a grudge about daughters being enslaved tend to be not rich. Anyway, TTC does most of their trapping out of the metro area.
What are we going to do with them? There are sort of over the hill, and I’ll bet they aren’t good for sex slaves.
Gonna have a weekly streaming video snuff show every Friday. Then have their worthless bodies made into dog food or something equally useless or trivial.
You know there isn’t a dog food plant in Eastlake, right?
Yeah, that might make turning them into dog food a bit little tricky. We’ll have one of the schools make them in to stew meat and sell it for a fundraiser.
The TTC Management Now Slaves
Sloan Perez the Manager of Production (blue tape), Phoebe Craig the Talent Manager (minimal bondage).
Sloan Gilbert Head of Marketing, (blue ball gag), Phoebe Goodwin Head of Talents (red ball gag), Noemi Kennedy Head of Legal (black ball gag), Celina Robinson, Head of Accounting (white ball gag)
Friday Morning, TTC Auction Hall
OK, quiet down. We aren’t starting with our normal auction where we sell off slaves that have been broken under torture, that will come later, at four o’clock. I know that is an hour after normal, but we do have this auction to do. These slaves for bid haven’t even been whipped! Maybe should have when the rating started to slip! Of course, they free women back them. Not so now. Amazingly, not a one of them got a mistress license even though it would have made some aspects of her work easier, plus saved her from conversion. Their failure, our sale. No, these slaves are being sold as punishment for the failure of the TTC local management to gain and keep market share. This is not the only TTC management auction, all the other local branches are having their own. Of course, we can’t enslave the male staff, but we can fire them and make sure they don’t work in this industry again. Now these slaves have skills, sort of, but if you aren’t running a media company, and you don’t mind not getting market share, then they really don’t have any useful skills. Well maybe the accountant and the lawyer, their skills aren’t really tied to the media industry. Actually, I’m not sure why they were enslaved, they didn’t have anything to do with the market, but orders from corporate HQ are orders, and they included them in the enslavement memo, so there they are, in the lineup.
All that being said, let’s talk about the slaves themselves. They are over the hill, but still attractive in that MILF sort of way, but not cream of the crop. They have not been sex tested in the past five years, if even then. Water cooler gossip is that they aren’t good at sucking cock, but that just gossip, but it’s all we got to go on. The highest attractiveness grade for them is B minus, and they have not been real meat graded. Obviously, they weren’t twink graded!
So we are going to start at the top, with Adrienne Lee, the Executive Producer. It was under her guidance, if you can call it that, that TTC lost even local market share. Even the live audience attendance was down. She’s been graded at B minus, and those tits are fake. So she’s useless as a spit roast as she’s not FDA legal due to her silicone tits, plus who wants to spit roast a B minus? This isn’t two thousand three, when spitting was new and everybody wanted to see it! She could be sold as a snuff slave, but look at her! Not really young enough to be any good for that, or we would have snuffed her on the channel. Again, not two thousand one when snuffing was new. So we are starting her bid at one hundred.
Oh, yeah, we are getting some of them cheap. Good!
Do I hear one hundred? OK, one fifty. OK, two hundred? Two fifty? Three hundred? OK, three fifty? No, Going once, going twice, going three times, fair warning, sold to paddle 578
This is way below what a slave, even a middle age one, should go for. The TTC upper management want to make sure they knew that they were thought of as useless trash. This was their last bit of degrading them. It worked.
I told you she was going to go cheap. They all but said she’s a useless piece of meat. Let’s hope the rest of them are as cheap.
OK, next we have Nita Lee, her twin sister, the Assistant Executive Producer. Everything I said about her sister applies to her as well, if anything worse than Adrienne, as Nita’s shows had the largest loss of market share of them all. Starting at seventy-five.
Nita ended up being sold for two fifty, Sloan for three hundred, Phoebe for nine hundred. The main bidder against Spellbook for Phoebe was a local man and wife. They didn’t bid on any of the other slaves. Emilee and Harleigh sold for one thousand five hundred each, more in line with their skill set. Noemi and Celina sold for two hundred, with a starting price of fifty. Spellbook slaves was the highest bidder on all of them. The bidders caught on that TTC wanted them sold for as little as possible, so apart from Emilee and Harleigh there wasn’t much actual biding. Most of the bidders were waiting for the normal Friday afternoon auction for tortured slaves, which is why they were here anyway. Not to bid on some over the hill executives, budgets were a little tight, it’s not the slave selling time of year, so there wasn’t much ready cash to spend.
Hmm. Might not snuff the accountant and lawyer, paid real slave prices for them. We can use their skills in house and maybe drop our accounting and legal consultants. Degrade the fuck out of them, of course, but perhaps keep them alive. Not going to tell them that until the last two weeks, however. By making them last, it will give me time to decide about snuffing them or not. Hey, go find out why there was such an active bidder for the talent manager. There must be some reason.
Seems that they are local parents, the Ayers, and they believe that Phoebe had tricked their only daughter, Patty, into being converted and then tortured to death.
OK, let me go talk to them.
Mr. and Mrs. Ayers? I’m Mike West, owner of Spellbook Slave, and I’m the one that won the bidding for Phoebe, the talent manager. I just wanted to tell you that I intend to snuff her in the most horrible way I can think of, and I invite you to be present when it happens.
Oh, thank you sir, do you have any idea on how you’re going to snuff the bitch? She skinned Patty alive over the course of several hours. I’ve seen parts of the show and it was horrible. I mean, I get it, slaves are slaves, and they can be played with any way their owner likes, but this seemed a bit beyond the pale. Patty was our only daughter and Lucy, my wife, had cancer of the uterus right after Patty was born so she can’t have anymore.
If I don’t think of something worse than slowly skinning her alive, then that is what I’ll do to her. Her snuff will be livestreamed on as many platforms as possible and be available afterword on all the popular video platforms. Given her current fame now, I suspect that her snuff will have more watcher than Patty’s did. Peculiarly, if I do it soon, while the public is still watching the TTC management getting snuffed. TTC tells me that they are going to market it heavily, for what good that will do. I can’t bring back your daughter, but I can make her killer pay.
That was sort of out of character for you boss.
Not really. I don’t use enslavement traps anymore, and I haven’t used them since I broke my contract with TTC back in oh four. I try not to enslave only daughters unless she is a volunteer, and even then, I try to talk her out of it. Of course, with the effects of the genetic change, single daughters are very thin on the ground, unless there is some other medical reason. I can think of only one in the past ten years. She got caught speeding. She was then enslaved and sold by the court, of course, that same night. I bought her, we were the on call slavers that night. I then sold her back to her parents. Granted, I made a pretty good profit on her. I’ll bet she is the ultimatum SINO now. Enslavement traps are one of the reasons I have issues with TTC. I hope the new management doesn’t use them as much. I’ve heard that those types of show that use them have had their ratings tank, but I really don’t keep up with that sort of thing anymore. I’ve got enough trouble running my own company, that I don’t need to look into the problems of someone else, even if I have a grudge against them.
Do we want to stay for the normal auction?
Have we ever bid in one?
That would be no.
Friday Afternoon, Spellbook Slaves’ Front Office
OK slaves, listen up, my name is Mike West. Some of you may remember me from around the turn of the century. Some of you weren’t working for TTC then, but it doesn’t matter, you are TTC local management, so you pay with the rest. Once we are done here, I’m going to have you taken to a punishment cell. No beds or padding, rough concrete floor, deliberately cold, bright lights always on, tiny bucket bolted down in the center of the cell for waste. Only once a day food. Plus, it’s only made for four slaves. Gonna be tight. Once a week, one of you will be removed, then taken to the studio where you will be snuffed in the most horrific way possible. And we have some very horrible ways in mind. The snuffs will be live steamed on as many platforms as we can get on. TTC will be marketing this heavily, so what little market share it still has will know to tune in on Friday afternoon. Not to mention a webcam watching the punishment cell. Normally, that’s in-house use only, but we are going to make it on the web feed. Free of course. No one wants to pay to see several old slaves do nothing.
OK, take all of, but Adrienne back to the cell. Take Adrienne to the studio.
Friday after noon, Spellbook Slaves’ Studio.
OK, Adrienne, it’s your day to die. This something I’ve been thinking about for years. You wouldn’t let me out of that damn contract that cost me half a million in lost revenue, made me buy out of it for a hundred thousand. I could barely afford that. If that had been all you did, I might have forgiven you. But no, you had to fuck with me. You have, or had, the city council in your back pocket, due to the massive income TTC generated in the past for Eastlake. I suspect that’s going to change under the new management. Bribery probably isn’t an option that they can hide in general expenses any more I’ll bet. It’s like you were an oil baron back in the old days. Of course, you were supplying sex slaves to members of the council didn’t hurt. Oh, of course you didn’t just give the slaves to them, you just loaned the slaves to them. And when they were done with the slave, they gave them back to you to have her snuffed on live TV.
You had me dropped from the city courts on call slaver list. Took ten years to get back on it. Tried to have me black balled from the educational market, both the public and private schools. I still have to bid twenty percent low to get the public school contract, and those are year to year, not long—term. I’ve only got one private school contract right now, and only having one is a direct result of your meddling. You won’t let me advertise on TTC, which is to be expected, and I have to pay about fifteen percent higher on the other adult channels. You even had me closed a couple of times for “inspections”. There is still a whisper campaign about Spellbook not being a good slaver, which was started by TTC’s news shows. I have to pay ten percent over what the other slaver are paying. All in all, you cost me a million is lost sales and several hundred thousand in operating expenses.
Thankfully, you didn’t pay attention to the internet back then, so the streaming services don’t charge me any more than any other slaver. That’s one of the reasons you got sold, you know, you thought that streaming was just a flash in the pan and that the real money was still in cable TV and DVD sales. Oops.
Anyway, I know you heard me say I’m gonna snuff all of you in the most horrific ways possible, but we really aren’t ready for that yet. Plus, there aren’t many viewers on the live stream today. Friday is punishment and face fuck day. We got about five hundred regular viewers. Pays for the studio. Any way, like I was saying, you aren’t getting a bad snuff, just a bullet between the eyes.
Put her under the big lights. Put all the cameras around her. I want as many angles as we can get. Put the slow motion camera about three feet away from her head. Make sure that both the front and back of her skull is in frame.
Adrienne, you got any last words? Don’t care, not going to let you say them. Say hello to John Browning finest, the M1911.
OK, cut her head off, so her blood will drain out of her right, then take her body to the cooler. Don’t make a mess taking her there. Let me make some calls about getting rid of her body. If Tesla High wants it, I’m gonna donate to them. Tax write off, might even get to include the cost of buying her. I have to ask about that. Otherwise, I’m gonna sell it to Dutch Hall or Hill’s. If no one wants it, well just depose of her as medical waste. Call the cleaning staff to clean up the blood and brains.