Metro Sandwich Eastlake Headquarters
To: HR Staff and owners of Metro Sandwich Franchises. From: HR Metro Sandwich Headquarters. It has been decided that as a cost-cutting measure that some positions currently filled by free women are being made into slave positions. The following positions must be converted to normal slave status within the next four weeks. Failure to do so will result in the franchise license being revoked. 1) Sandwich artists 2) Cashier staff 3) Drivers 4) Catering staff All replacements for these positions are to be either enslaved as part of their position acceptance or acquired at slave auction. It is preferred, but not required, that new slaves be purchased at auction. Assistant store managers may be filled by a volunteer asset slave. This position must be filled with a slave, regardless of their asset status or not. Store managers positions must be filled with, in order of preference, by a volunteer asset slave, a holder of a valid federal mistress warrant, or a male. Males or women that hold a valid federal mistress warrant in one of the slave positions that does not allow them to continue in that position are to be given a severance package equal to six months compensation. They will be released from their position. They may be rehired as store managers at the franchise owner's option. All contract slaves are to be rated at the time of their conversion. Slaves with scores of A+ or higher on the appearance or meat scales are recommended, but not required, to be sold to pay for the costs of the conversion of the other slaves. Slaves that score high on the so called “twink” scale are not recommended for sale. Metro corporate will reimburse 50% of the enslavement fees and taxes due to this conversion. Please send invoices for these expenses to the Metro corporate finance department for reimbursement. Sleeping quarters must be provided for the non asset slaves. A slave barracks may be rented or leased if there is no sufficient space in the store for a sleeping area for the slaves. Asset slave's rent or mortgage payments are to be covered by the franchise owner. Asset slaves may be paid a stipend not to exceed one thousand a month for food and other living expenses. 50% of these expenses will be covered by Metro corporate. Please send invoices for these expenses to the Metro corporate finance department for reimbursement. Please advise us when these changes have been made.
Friday morning — Julian Martin Office
OK, we just got a weird memo from corporate HQ. All staff apart from most management are to be enslaved. I’ve been thinking of doing this anyway, so all this does is move up the timetable. Gina, you’ve got one of the mistress warrants, don’t you? Close store number one today and take the staff to Spellbook Slaves and do the conversion thing. Use the company card to pay for any taxes and other costs for this. Move on to the rest of the stores as soon as possible. I would prefer this to be done no later than Wednesday next week. Do not warn the other stores that this is going to happen, as I’d rather not have a bunch of staff quit before being converted.
OK girls, we are going to go to Spellbook Slaves to have you graded and converted to slave status. Please don’t make me use a taser on you, just get in the van. I can and will use the taser or stun gun on any of you that don’t cooperate with this. I am acting in my mistress role, not my Metro management role, so I am allowed any level of force less than permanently damaging or fatal. Karen, Alexia, Gabrielle, and Megan, it would be in your best interest to volunteer for conversion. If you do, you will be made an asset slave and will be allowed to live in your current housing. If you don’t volunteer, you will be released from your position for cause.
Welcome to Spellbook Slaves. My name is Thomas and this is Vicky. May we help you today?
I hope you can. I’m mistress Gina May from the Metro Sandwich franchises here in Eastlake. We have been directed by corporate to convert most of our staff to slaves status. I have four volunteers for asset slave status and ten contract enslavement for normal slave status this morning. I will have more later.
We can help you with that. Do you need the contract slaves rated? The volunteers may be rated at their option.
Yes, I do. I need to know if any of them are A+ or higher on either the appearance scale or meat scale. I’m not concerned with the twink scale. If they are A+ or higher, we want to sell them to you.
I require a urine sample from all the possible slaves. For the volunteers, we need to check for pregnancy and drug use. For the contract slaves, all we are checking for is pregnancy. Ladies, one at a time, use the restroom and fill the sample cup. Volunteers, please go first. There should be enough cups in there to allow us to process all of you. Put the cap on the cup and write your name on the cup with the marker pen. If you do not provide a sample voluntarily, you will be stunned and a sample will be extracted via a catheter. I’ve been told that this is a somewhat painful process, above and beyond the stun gun’s pain. After you have provided the sample, I will test it to see if you qualify for conversion. For the contract slaves, you will only be disqualified if you are pregnant. For the volunteers, you will also be disqualified if you are currently on drugs or have a blood alcohol content of above 0.08 percent.
The soon-to-be slaves, cowed by the treat of being stunned, lined up to give their samples. None of them came back with a positive result for pregnancy or drugs. The state date base showed that they were all available for conversion. Vicky entered the names of the contract slaves in the database to change their status to converted. The now converted slaves stripped at mistress Gina’s command to be graded.
Vicky, please run the grading system and let me know if any of them score A+ or higher on either the appearance or meat scale. The grading on the meat scale is just a formality, as it’s obvious that none of them will score above a D on that scale.
Yes sir! Please stand on the mat in front of this camera. OK, thanks Next!
Vicky grades the remaining nine contract slaves.
Would any of you volunteers like to be graded as well? No? OK Thomas, we have a couple of A grades, but no A+
Mistress Gina, I need you to sign the conversion forms for the contract slaves. It’s really just a formality at this point, they have been entered in the state database as converted, but it keeps the lawyers happy. Volunteers, I require you to sign your conversion forms. In your case, it’s not a formality. If you don’t sign, you are not converted.
Let me remind you that if you do not sign the conversion form, you will be released from your position for cause.
The conversion forms are signed by Gina and all the volunteers.
OK, at this time, you all have been converted to slave status. In the case of the volunteers, you have an asset slave notation on your record. This may be removed by your owner requesting a change in status to the state slaving board.
We will only do that if you commit what would be a firing offense under normal circumstances. You will be severely punished if your status is changed. This punish may be anything up to and including lethal.
OK, let’s talk total costs here, Gina. There is a tax of three hundred, federal and state, for each contract conversion. Because we are not buying the slaves, there is a fifty dollar processing fee for all the conversions. That brings the total due to thirty-seven hundred. We take cash, credit or debit cards, or cashier’s check. We do not take personal or business checks.
Payment is made.
OK, slaves, please get back in the van. If any of you that warm members of the staff of the other stores will be punished up to and possibly including being sold to a meat processor, or to one of the torture or snuff TV channels. At a minimum, you will be flogged by me until I get tired of flogging you. And I can flog for a long, long, time. And I like to do it.
Thank you and come again!
We have five more stores to convert. See you later in the afternoon and for the first couple of days next week.
Looking forward to it! Have a pleasant day!