Adding to the herd

Baum’s Eastlake Dairy

So you want to become a human cow? Did I understand you correctly over the phone?

No, I hope to be milked like a cow and your dairy is the only one that does that sort of thing in the greater Eastlake metro area, or at least was the only one willing to talk to me directly about it.

May I ask why?

Yes, it is simple, I changed my birth control pills and I started to lactate. My then boyfriend was, at first, excited about it and sucked me dry several times a day. Then he decided that he really wasn’t that into it and left me. I use a breast pump to drain them every evening, but it’s getting to be a problem and I don’t really want the milk to go to waste. I’ve contacted several of the charities in town to find out if I can donate it, but they really aren’t in that business. One of them suggested I try the human milk dairies in town, and you were the only ones who would talk to me, as I said.

Well, you understand that all the other hucows are slaves, so having a free woman act as a hucow is a bit out of our wheelhouse.

Please, I really need you to do this, but I would rather not be a slave.

Well, we could always try something. The first thing we need to do is see if your milk is up to our quality standards. Let’s go to one of the milking rooms for a test pump.

Thank you.

OK, please expose your breasts so we can hook you up to the milking machine. Normally, you would be nude and on your hands and knees, plus would be tied down in the milking stall, but I think we can make this work without doing all that. Of course, if we do take you on as a milker you will need to get used to being treated like, well, a cow. While we can use the freestanding machine to test you, it isn’t connected to the production system, and we couldn’t use it daily.

I understand.

Adding to the herd
Adding to the herd

OK, let’s hook you up. Hold these over your nipples until the suction takes effect. You might want to keep holding them after that. I’ve got to talk to my staff and my lawyer to find out how we can fit you it.

20 minutes elapses.

Well, the good news is your milk passes our quality check, the bad news is that unless you sign a contract with us, we can’t take you. And I’ll be upfront, the contact they want you to sign will be one that converts you to being a real hucow slave if you don’t meet all the requirements.

Oh, God, I thought I was ready for this because I used a breast pump before. I had no idea what a milker would feel like. I’ll sign your contract, hell I’ll let you convert me to full hucow status, just do that to me as often as you can.

OK, let me call up my Spellbook Slaves to convert you, and we will add you to our herd.


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