Reading of the Will Flashback – Cook Family Saga #4.5

This will make more sense if you read these posts in order.  This post is a flash back to before the events in Slave Swap and Snuff

  1. Slave Swap and Snuff Cook Family Saga 1
  2. Aftermath of the Slave Swap Cook Family Saga 2
  3. The Wake, Long Pig BBQ and Snuff fest Part one Cook Family Saga 3
  4. The Wake, Long Pig BBQ and Snuff fest Part two Cook Family Saga 4

The study of Emmett Cook’s home in Eastlake.

Daughter to choke out
June Goldman, Daughter to choke out

Gentlemen and Mistress, my name is Karl Goldman, I’m Mr. Cook’s personal lawyer.  Today, I am here to read Emmett Cook’s last will and testament for close family.

Mr. Cook had an interesting clause in my contract, which I will carry out now.  He required me to snuff my daughter, June, before I read the will.  I converted June into an asset slave 6 months ago, so she could act as a paralegal on Mr. Cook’s accounts, as he would not trust a free woman to work on them.  This morning I removed her asset status, she is now a common use slave.  Bert, if you will”

With that, Bert, Mr. Goldman’s assistant, grabbed June and put her in a garroting chair in the center of the room, put the cord around her neck and strapped her in it.

Karl grabbed the handle and started to twist it. “Sorry, June, but I need to do this.  Just for what it’s worth, I sold your soul to the Dark Temple.  The offered an excellent deal on it.

“I, Emmett Cook, a resident in the City of Eastlake, County of Eastlake, State of Oklahoma, being of sound mind, not acting under duress or undue influence, and fully understanding the nature and extent of all my property and of this disposition thereof. I hereby make, publish, and declare this document to be my Last Will and Testament (“Will and Testament”). I hereby absolutely revoke any and all other wills and amendments previously made by me.”

“I designate Karl Goldman, a resident of the City of Eastlake, County of Eastlake, State of Oklahoma, as Personal Representative of my estate upon the death of his daughter, June Goldman.”

Karl Blushed and gave the garrote handle another twist, causing June’s face to turn red.
“I hope we can all agree that this particular clause has been sufficiently executed?” Karl said to the crowed with a raised eyebrow.

“I devise and bequeath my property, both real and personal and wherever situated, as follows:”

“To my grandson, Carl Cook, I give my sex slaves, Helen, Amanda, and Penny, to be used as he sees fit.”

“To my Granddaughter Mistress Charlene Cook, I give my slave Dawn, to be used as Charlene sees fit.”

Dawn, not knowing she was part of the estate, not a benefactor of it, starts to stand up and turn towards the door.  Karl nods to Bert, who grabs Dawn, holds her then places a slave collar on her.  He triggers the ‘stun’ feature on the collar, and Dawn collapses to the ground.  Bert gives the remote control to Charlene, and says, “I believe this is yours now”.

“To my sons, Edward and Johen I give three million dollars, provided they convert to slave status all of their daughters who are of age now and will convert the underage daughters as they become of age.”

June’s face has turned a deep shade of red, and her lips are starting to turn blue.

“To my son Sam, I also bequest three million dollars, provide that he convert all five of his daughters and his current wife Irene”

“To Edward, I give the summer home on Grand Lake, my automobile collection and my private yacht on Grand Lake.

To Johen, I give the family home and estate in Eastlake with all slaves therein not accounted for by other bequests” 

“To the Eastlake Mistress Society, I give one million dollars to be spent in the further of their mission of bringing women into servitude.”

“I furthermore direct that my funeral service be at the Southern Hills Country Club, and that at least one of my female descendants or slaves, apart from Mistress Charlène, be roasted and served to the guests.”

June appears to be dead.

“Except to the extent that I have included them in this Will, I have intentionally, and not as a result of any mistake or inadvertence, omitted in this Will to provide for any family member not mentioned in this Will.”

“Karl Goldman has a codicil for those son in laws of mine that attend my burial service, to be read after the service.”

Bert, would you check to see if June is dead and if she is, then please call Hill’s Fine Meat and tell them the pickup I arranged earlier is ready?  If not, please finish her off, then make the call.  After that, call ​Jill and tell her that she is to drop out of law school and become my new paralegal.”

Fall Sacrifice – Classic

Spellbook Slaves, Morning Shift

This is a classic story from November 2017, slightly edited to fit current canon

Spellbook Slaves, how may I help you?

I want to buy your five cheapest slaves for a sacrifice to the dark lord.

OK, we can do that for you.  We have about half a dozen grade B- or C that are tagged “for quick sale”, so they are going for just fifty over tax price, which means you can get five for one thousand five hundred, tax and all.

Do you have on site snuffing?

Yes, we have a full torture and snuff room, as well as a hanging room.

Can you hang five at a time?

Yes, but we rent by the noose and by the minute in 10 minute blocks.   I can make you a deal, assuming you don’t want the bodies after the ritual, two thousand, all up, and you get the room for as long as needed.

What are you going to do with the bodies after the ritual?

Cut them up for meat.  Starting a meat counter as well as our live roast offering.

That is an acceptable use of a handmaiden’s corpse.  I will take your offer.  We will arrive slightly before night fall.  It is important that the ritual be preformed as the sun sets.

Several hours later, near night fall.

O Domine tenebris! Auferte ista quinque. Sicut dignum et iustum est et facere.  Benedictus Dominus nomen tenebris.

It is time! Now hang the handmaids for the dark lord!  May the people feed on their flesh!

Hanging 5 for The Dark Lord
Hanging five for The Dark Lord

TTC New Show Pitch Meeting

Saturday Morning, TTC’s Meeting Room

Ashlyn Kerr, the current mistress in charge of the Eastlake branch of The Torture Channel, has a meeting with her staff.  About three fourth of the new staff are already slaves, to avoid the problem TCC had with dealing with free women who had screwed up.  A screw-up now might result in you being a featured slave on another show, where you can assume Bad Things are going to happen to you.

OK, we need to decide which shows we are keeping and what shows we are going to add to the fall schedule.  Let me go over the current list of our seven:

  1. Horrible Things for Hotties.
  2. Soccer Sluts
  3. Ride along
  4. Hunter
  5. Oops, I’m converted.
  6. Late Night at Slaver Central
  7. Spit that bitch.

Let’s start with the one we are keeping, no questions asked, Horrible Things for Hotties.  It’s the only one that has good ratings.  I think we will move it to Dutch Hall this season.  Dutch Hall has a pretty good torture room and has a lot of just of age slaves.  To no one’s surprise, there is a fairly large market for seeing barely legal teens get tortured. Detroit’s Rough Treatment shows that. While Eastlake University has been a good place for us, we’ve been there for four years.

OK, the rest of them are up for consideration for either being dropped or overhauled. 

Let’s start with the one we really should not have had in the first place, Soccer Sluts.  Not only is its primary focus on a sport most people don’t care about, the slaves we are getting from the fans of the losing side are mostly low quality.  Unless someone comes up with a better way of doing it, it’s on the chopping block.  Anybody in favor of keeping Soccer Sluts? Let me see a show of hands.  Nobody? OK, it goes.

Ride along has a good idea behind it, but the execution is lacking.  The Eastlake police just don’t pull over that many high appearance women doing conversion level offenses anymore.  Hunter, same problem, there are just not enough high appearance women doing things that will allow a hunter capture.  Both of them suffer from being set in Eastlake, which has an active slaving culture, but just doesn’t have that many young women doing dumb things in public anymore. Unless we can come up with a better way of doing these, they should be dropped.

Oops, I’m converted and Late Night at Slaver Central might be combined, as they really are related shows.  For Oops, I’m converted, it’s becoming difficult to find a couple willing to set up a camera, have 3 sex acts recorded on it, and then have the woman be converted.  Granted, it’s easier with the change to the PPC law, but it’s getting pretty hard to find a couple. And when we can, it’s normally not a high appearance slave.

Spit the bitch, while still doing OK on the getting high appearance women to spit, given that only appearance grade A or better are getting spited. Spitting is getting to be a more niche market, and the ratings show that.

So, let me have your idea about how to improve the 5 that we might be keeping. Slaves, I want to hear from all of you as well as the currently free.  Speak up, nothing said here will result in punishment today.  

OK Kim, you seemed to have your hand up first, what do you have in mind?

Ride along.  What if we change to Eastlake University and include when the university police get a force conversion from a sorority or dorms?  Much greater chance of getting a high appearance score that way.

I like that.  I’ll contact my liaison with EU and see if they are agreeable with it, and maybe slow down just a hair on mass conversions of non sororities.  Not stop them, just do them one at a time.  That might be tricky, but we can work around it.  Assume EU goes along with the idea you’re the show runner.  Bad Things will happen to you if it tanks.

OK Lenora, you seem to have an idea, let us hear it.

What if we combine Hunter and Late Night at Slaver Central?  Have a small camera crew, I’m thinking only a cameraman and a sound man, really don’t need anybody else, follow our pet slaver’s hunter when he goes out, but only used the footage if it’s worth it.  I mean, he’s got to get at least one or two high quality slaves a month.  If he’s not, let him go from the slaver, we are using staff as being a waste of time and money.  Keep our current crew at the slaver’s, or have many more stationary cameras covering most of the front area of the storefront, that way we can get any action that takes place at night.  Based on what I’ve seen, there are some fairly busy times, mainly when the bars close. That being said, I think it that the camera crew may be negatively impacting walk in conversions so we might have to use fixed cameras, get some that are steerable, and it might as well be a crew.  A good reason for steerable CCTV is that some girls, young ones in particular, seem to be shy about being in front of cameras, even if they are volunteering to be a slave.  I know I would have second thoughts about volunteering if there was a full camera crew watching me volunteer. 

That a good idea.  We’ll try it for 9 weeks and, if it works out, will extend to a full season.  I’m gonna make you show runner for it.  Please remember that is really does poorly, you’re a slave, and I am a mistress.  Could go badly for you.

OK, but can change the slaver?  The staff at We Do Slaves give me the creeps.   Back when I was free, I drove a couple of friends there that wanted to be enslaved. The staff had a really hard time getting over the idea that a free woman could enter a slaver’s den and not want to be converted to being a slave. They almost got physical.  I don’t even want to think they might do if I showed up there as a slave.  Forced sex would the minimum they would do.  And they do have a torture and snuff chamber.  I’ve heard screams coming from it. That’s why I went out of town to be converted.

Luckily for you, your high grades at film school caught the attention of our HR department, and we bought you. It could have gone terrible for you given your appearance grade score, But I know what you mean.  Even when I was in full mistress garb, which I don’t often wear, they were saying things like that even a mistress can volunteer, and I should think about it, several times.  Sort of got pushy about it. While they didn’t touch me, that might’ve had something to do with me grabbing the handle of my whip.  I’ll look into changing to another slaver, but the only one big enough for the show would be Spellbook Slaves, and Mr. West has, shall we say, issues with us? However, he is doing a web show for us, and might be talked into having a camera crew in his shop. None of the money from the slaves goes to us, which is what made him pissed the first time around.  On the plus side, two Fridays ago he blew the brains out of Adrienne Lee, and he snuffed her sister Nita yesterday. Water boarding and a garrote, that’s pretty hard core.  They were the producers that he thinks screwed him over. He might go for it as the money will be flowing towards him, not towards us.

Oops, I’m converted, seems like it’s far too much work for what we get out of it.  We are The Torture Channel, not the Amateur Porn Channel.  Might make a big deal of transferring Oops to the APC. Kind of like how some National Media’s main stream networks do with shows that are under performing on a flagship channel, but they would rather not let go of, like that superhero universe. I think that ended up on Wolf.

OK, Brian, you do the finagling with corporate HQ and see what they say.  Might have issues because the Porn Channel is in LA, and they currently have a fetish of all their actresses being free women.  Of course, I can’t have you enslaved because of that penis of yours, even if you don’t use it on the ladies, but still don’t screw up too badly.  Things could go regrettable with your career in the media.  Just ask some of the men who used to work in this very office.  I think you can find a couple of them on Burger Queen’s night shift.  Just keep that in mind.  Not that I’m going to fire you if HQ doesn’t like your idea, but it will reflect on your record, which might affect your next raise, for example.

OK, that is everything but Spit that bitch, which seems to have a loyal if small fan base. Think I’ll recommend that it get switched to Saturday night, if there isn’t another show that corporate wants in that slot, and see if they follow it.  I wish we didn’t have to compete with five other branches for nighttime slots.  At least we don’t have to compete with the soap operas and games shows that run during the daytime, and this branch is only expected to come up with 8 or 9 shows.  Which brings us to the next item of business, new shows.   We’ve got 4 returning, if somewhat retooled, shows and one being transferred to The Amateur Porn Channel.  There is one more that counts for us, but we don’t have to do anything with it, it being whatever Mr. West ends up calling his snuff the old management stream.  They are doing a time delayed, slightly edited version, of this stream as a Friday night show.

  1. Horrible things for Hotties.  Changing to Dutch Hall, so we can get just of age hotties to do horrible things to.
  2. Hunter and Late Night as Slaver Central being combined, hopefully being moved to Spellbook Slaves from We Do Slaves.
  3. Ride Along using the Eastlake University police instead of using the EPD
  4. Spit that bitch being moved to a Saturday time slot.

We need at least four more, ideally five or six.  The floor is open for ideas. This is brainstorming, there are no bad ideas.

We might try to get the Dark Temple to let us film their Dark Masses and their lesser services.  The Dark Mass is held on each new moon.  The lesser service is held each Wednesday, unless it’s a new moon.  The Dark Masses have a pair of harlots being hung and death bride being sacrificed in some bloody manner.  The death bride is normally an appearance grade A teen.  There have been some exception to this, but it’s rare.  Spellbook Slaves knows what the temple wants and when they want them, so they try to have an acceptable death bride available. The lesser services have flogging and blood-letting of sisters of the temple.  Most of the sisters are free women, but there are some that are not. It depends on the master of the house. The sisters vary in appearance, of course, but most are at least B’s.  The temple doesn’t really allow sisters who are overweight or have other appearance issues.

How do you know so much about the Dark Temple, Brian?

I’m a brother of the temple, and my wife, her sister, our of age daughters and any concubines I have are sisters of the temple.  Basically, any woman of age in my household is a sister, even if they would rather not be.  As it stands now, only my eldest daughter, Claire, has misgivings about the temple.  If she doesn’t get over her misgivings soon, I may have her made into a death bride, or maybe a life bride. But I suspect she’s not pure anymore, she’s got a boyfriend, and I’ve seen toy handcuffs on her bed.  I got to assume that she’s doing bondage sex with him.  If I do that, I might have the twins be used as harlots.


Yeah, it’s temple canon that we don’t say slave.  I’ll need to have my wife chastised next lesser service for me saying that word, even if it’s not her turn.

OK, That’s a bit weird, but I can deal. Can you say “converted” or do you have to say concubines?

Yeah, converted is OK, unless they are mine, then it has to be concubines

OK, we seem to be drifting here.  So, The Dark Temple, We’ll add that to the list pending approval from the temple.

OK, that’s one.  Let’s hear some more ideas.

Does Dutch Hall have a mistress class? If they do, we might be able to get a camera operator and sound operator in to watch the class.  I understand that they do a lot of practice torture and occasionally a snuff.  I’ve heard that sometimes they are sent out to capture a student who has been converted but doesn’t know it.  Might also see if there are any mistress teachers, might get some good beating and flogging sessions out of them.  Or we could just follow their contracted torturer and executioner around.  I understand that, in most schools, he is also the mistress in training teacher.  

Yes, Dutch Hall has a mistress class.  The downside to this is that the teacher is a contractor from Spellbook.  Looks like somebody going really work on getting Mike into dealing with us again. Might involve giving him a work slave or two.

Like the Dutch Hall shows, I know that the university has a torture class. We could have a crew record that.  While it could be some overlap with the Dutch Hall mistress show, there is a big market for coed torture.

Yeah, there would be some overlap, but the overall theme of the shows would be different.  In the teen mistress show, the focus would be on the students and their training.  In a torture class, well, it’s just torture.  Starting out mild, then working up to tortured to death.

This is getting a bit meta, but what if we had a show about a show?  Show the “backstage” aspect of making a torture show.  Of course, this would require us to have a show that we could follow around, so maybe we get an amateur torture show.  Have people send in videos of their at home tortures, we choose the best and have them do them in front of our camera crew.  There are a lot of amateur video shows, but I don’t think there has been a torture one.

So let’s go over what we have so far

  1. Dark Temple
  2. Mistress training class
  3. University torture class
  4. Best amateur torture
  5. Making of BAT

OK, that’s 5, let’s see if we can think of a few more.

I know that Ride Along wasn’t getting that many good conversion fodder, but that was only a couple of cars.  What if we had a crew at night court?  We could also film around the metro area, getting the other cities and towns in the county.  That would increase the number of cases that we could use.

That sounds doable.  If we have a small camera crew in each of the local courts, we should get enough high appearance score women to make it worthwhile.  Of course, we will have to blur the faces of anybody found not guilty unless we can get a consent form signed.

How about a slice of life?  We get one of those south side large families with plenty of slaves and follow them around.  We will encourage the master of the house to be, well, harsh, in his treatment of both the free women in the house and the slaves.  It can’t be any worse than those rich housewives shows that seem to pollute some main stream channels.

Hmm.  That might be doable.  I know several south side families that would love to have a camera crew in their house.

This is out there but what about a vore show?  Feeding slaves to various large carnivorous animals.  Or letting some of the larger herbivores just kill them because they got too close.

Yeah, that’s out there.  Will but it on the submit list, but don’t expect it to make to filming.

Oh, I got one.  Greek Life.  Have a camera crew follow various sororities and fraternities around.  The do a lot of converting and general torture.  Some of it against free women, which is a plus.  Some initiations are rough.  Don’t need to record much of the fraternities initiations unless they are something like “whip your sister” sort of things.

That sounds good, but we might run into some problems with “secret rituals”  Some of them are more serious about that then others.

OK, let’s go over our submit list.

    1. Horrible Things for Hotties.
    2. Ride along in Eastlake University
    3. Hunter/Late Night at Slaver Central
    4. Spit that bitch.
    5. Dark Temple
    6. Mistress training class
    7. University torture class
    8. Best amateur torture
    9. Making of BAT
    10. Night court
    11. South side slice of life.
    12. Vore
    13. Greek Life
    14. And one we can’t really claim, the Spellbook Slaves snuff stream

OK, That’s thirteen, way more than we were supposed to come up with.  If we get all of them we are going to need several more camera crews from corporate, that may or may not be an issue.  However, we’ve got seven that require approval of somebody outside the company, which will be an issue.

  • Ride Along and Torture Class: need Eastlake University approval.  I suspect this will be easy, especially given the amount we can pay per show.
  • Hunter/Slaver Central and Mistress Training: are going to need Spellbook Slaves approval. That might be difficult.  It depends on how much Mr. West has gotten over his beef with us.  The fact that all we are doing is filming his people should help, we aren’t interfering with his slave/cash flow.
  • Dark Temple: Obviously the temple
  • Night Court: Various governments
  • Vore.  At least one zoo.
  • Greek Life.  Sororities and Fraternities.

By next week’s meeting, need to have names for the ones that don’t have an obvious name.

So, I’ll have Cindy make this into a presentable PDF, then e-mail it to the powers that be at corporate.  Productive meeting, now go back to work while I start making phone calls.

The Dark Temple June Sacrifice

The Dark Temple, Afternoon June 6th, the new moon

So brother Eric, I have been told that you have exchanged, this very day, your eldest daughter to the flesh market.

Yes, my dread lord.  My eldest, Caitlin, is now at the flesh market that has supplies us with brides and harlots. I fear that Caitlin cannot be used as a life bride of the Dark Lord, for I have seen with my own eyes the act of her being made unclean.  The man who was defiling her fled from my house as he saw me at the door to Caitlin’s room.  I only wish I had a whip to chastise him with as he fled!  That is one of the many reasons she is available to be the death bride of the Dark Lord.  She was worth a large amount.  Here is the wealth that I received as the payment for her.  I wish to turn it over to the Dark Lord’s earthly servants as a gift.  I fear that is in the cursed form, as they did not have gold nor silver to exchange for her.

I give thanks to you brother Eric in the name of the Dark Lord.

Deacon Johan! You shall go the flesh market and obtain the next death bride of the Dark Lord.

It shall be done

Spellbook Slaves Afternoon June 6th

OK, we just got an appearance grade A teen slave, and it’s the new moon.  Conrad, put her in the holding cage in the lobby.  The Dark Temple should be by any time now to buy her.  Regular as clockwork, they buy a high appearance score newly enslaved teen.  If we don’t have a teen that meets whatever criteria that they use, they will, unhappily and under some protest, buy the newest slave we have.  Should have seen the look on the deacon’s face when all we had was a 35-year-old sow that was so fat she couldn’t even get a real meat score, much less an appearance score.  He was truly less than gruntled. They also buy, a couple of days before the new moon, a pair of class B slaves, calling “the harlots of the Dark Lord”.  I don’t ask, but if you are alone on the new moon or close to it and the dark temple deacon comes in to buy a slave, remember it is a bride or harlot, not a slave. And damn sure, not lady, woman, or girl. They get quite upset at that.  They’re not the weirdest client we ever had, but they are sure in the top five.  And yeah, they’re the reason I keep track of the stages of the moon.  Not some new age reason, but a purely commercial one.  And here he is, a little earlier than normal, but we’re ready for him anyway.

Deacon Johan! Good to see you again! We have a bride selected for you!  She was just made a ready to be a bride not more than three hours ago.  I hope she meets your needs.

She will do nicely.  

The bride comes to One thousand seven hundred fifty with taxes for the cursed, I fear that you cannot use gold nor silver in this exchange. 

Can we put her on the temple account?

Of course, you may. 

Caitlin is removed from the holding cage, collared and is taken away by Johan.

After Johan has left, Conrad turns to Mike and asks, “There is a lot to unpack here. First gold or silver?  What do they think it is, the Middle Ages? Next, they have an account?  I didn’t know we did accounts.  And finally, the cursed?”

I suspect that they would rather deal in gold or silver, and they might as well be in the Middle Ages, Deacon Johan is the only member of their temple clergy that leaves the temple.  Of course, they order pizza from time to time, so they aren’t total unfamiliar with the real world. As to accounts, yes for regular customers we have fifteen days, same as cash accounts. There aren’t many people on that list.  Basically, it’s the Dark Temple, 501 Meat Packing, Suckers and Hill’s.  Oddly, the temple listed “The sisters of the temple” for their collateral.  Don’t really know what that is, but our tame land shark said it was OK. The others were a little more conventional in their collateral.  That being said, if someone claims to have an account, and you don’t know if they do, call me and I will verify if they do or don’t.  As far as the cursed bit goes, they are a bit miffed that they can’t get taxed exempt status, so a couple of years ago they had a service to curse the federal government.  Bought all the grade A teen slaves we had for that service, regardless how long they had been enslaved.  Twelve, if I recall right. The next day, they asked us to take the dead slaves to the zoo so that they would feed the animals.  This was important to them. In fact, they quite adamant that “The flesh of the sacrificed must feed the beast of the earth, from the greatest lion to the lowest weasel.”  Their words exactly. They invited me to the service, but I declined the offer.  Actually, I’m surprised that Johan didn’t invite me this time, he normally does.  After the cursing service, they started to call the federal government the greater cursed and the state as the lesser cursed.  Don’t know what they call the city council.  The least cursed, don’t know, don’t really care, as the council doesn’t come up in conversations with them.

The Dark Temple, Dusk of June 6th, the new moon


Caitlin lays nude atop the main altar, seemingly accepting her fate. Two nude handmaidens of the cult stand to either side of the altar.

The cult begins to chant, first slowly and at a low volume, but increasing in volume as they chant faster and faster.

Take this sacrifice, oh Dark Lord.  We give her unto you.  Take her as your wife. Take this sacrifice, take this sacrifice, take her as your wife.

Bring forth the harlots!

Two nude slaves are dragged to the front of the altar, where two nooses are lowered from the rafters.

Hang them and let their death prepare the way for the bride!

With that, the two harlot slaves are hauled up to slowly die.

Take them as your harlots’ oh Dark Lord, take them, take them.” the assembled cult members chant.

As soon as the slaves take their last breath, the high priest, with a handmaiden on each side, picks up the bright silvered blade from the altar. “With this blade I offer this sacrifice to you so that I might bring you your bride in death”, holding the blade flat across his hands.

Bless this blade, bless this blade, bless this blade” chants the cult, faster and faster.

“I consecrate this blade to act as your Dark Member as you take your bride in death”

With that, the high priest raises the blade above his head, He pauses, as if to pray, then stabs the blessed knife down into Caitlin’s neck and moves if from side to side, slicing open her carotid artery.  Blood sprays upward, spattering on the high priest’s vestments.  One of the handmaidens captures some blood in a chalice and hands it to the high priest, who raises it above his head.

Take this blood as your just due, and take this body as your bride in death, as is your rightly privilege.

“Take her!  Take Her! Take Her!” chant the cult members as Caitlin dies.

After the blood has stopped flowing, the high priest lowers the chalice then drinks from it, after which intones  “She is now the death bride of the Dark Lord.  The sacrifice is over.”

The high priest moves to in front of the altar, raised both of his arms

“My brothers and sisters, it has been too long since we have had a life bride for the Dark Lord.  If any of you possess a daughter who is of age and is pure, on the night of the full moon, take her to the flesh merchants so we can make her the life bride of the Dark Lord. This is so that we properly perform the great rite.  It has been far too long since we have done so.  The lesser rite does not bestow the same blessing from the Dark Lord.”

With that, he lowers his hands, turns and exits the altar plinth through the passage to the sacristy with deacon Johan and the handmaidens. The members of the cult file out of the temple using the main doors. In the sacristy, the high priest removes his blood soaked outer vestments and hands them to Johan.  “Burn these and save the ashes so that the ash may be used in making dark water”.