2024 Conversion FAQ

Family and General Conversion FAQ

Q:What, exactly, does “Conversion” or “Convert” mean?
A: It means to change the legal status of the woman into a “Person of Limited Rights” or, more commonly, a slave. A synonym for this would be “enslave”.  Conversion/Convert will be used in the FAQ.

Q: Who in my family can I convert?
A: Wives, Daughters, Step Daughters and in some cases, wards.

Q: Do I have to be a “husband” to convert a wife?
A: No, legally married women may convert their “wives”.  Any partner may convert any other female partner or partners.  Simultaneous conversions are possible.

Q: What are the age limits on converting a daughter or stepdaughter?
A: Age of consent to 26, assuming they are living with you, they are not legally married, or they are not an emancipated minor.

Q: Can a mother convert a daughter, or is it father only?
A: Any parent or stepparent can convert any daughter or stepdaughter.

Q: What are the limits on women volunteering to be converted?
A: She must be of sound mind, which means not on any mind-altering drugs, not have a BAC higher than the state DWI level, and doesn’t have a psychiatric hold. She must not be pregnant, not have a male child under 10 or a female child under 8.  There is no age restriction, however younger than age of consent require being an emancipated minor.  Emancipation may be by court order or the action of her parents, which must be approved by child services.

Q: I understand that there are some women that can’t be converted without a criminal court case against them.  Can you tell me what they are?
A: The six generally protected classes of women are:

    • Pregnant women.
    • Mothers of male children under ten or female children under eight.
    • Women under the state age of consent.
    • Women who hold a federal slavers warrant.
    • Women who have passed a mistress class.
    • Under most circumstances, a “Woman of Color” or a Native American whose family have been registered as “other than white”. There are some exceptions to this, but in general, non-Caucasian, non-Asian women can’t be converted against their will.  This protection may be voluntarily abandoned by a woman, by filing with their local or state slave board.  Abuse of the “other than white” status is a convertible offense in most states.

These women cannot be converted via PPC, spousal action, or contract defaults.

Q: What are the limits on killing a slave that you own?
A: There is no limit on standard slaves.  The federal and most jurisdictions snuff taxes were removed in 2016.  Some jurisdictions have “protected” options for some classes of slaves, which may cause a substantial tax to be paid if she is killed.  This normally is for “SINO” and “Asset” slaves.  Most jurisdictions have an annual tax on slaves with these designations.

Q: Who can own a slave?
A: Any male over 12 years of age and any free women over 14 years of age.

Q: What are the requirements for getting mistress status?
A: Be a free woman over 14 years of age, and pass a federally approved mistress training.  What is approved mistress training varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

Q: If someone passes a mistress training in one jurisdiction and moves to another, is she still a mistress?
A: Yes.

Q: Are mistress warrants from other counties honored in the US?
A: That depends on the status of the slave treaty with the US.  In the case of the UK, the EU nations, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and Japan, yes.  Mistress warrants are not honored in most Islamic countries, where the default status of women is that of slave.

Q: Is slave status from other countries recognized by the US?
A: In the case of the UK, the EU nations, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and Japan, yes.  Those enslaved due to the default status of women being a slave in that country are generally treated as free women if she manages to make it to the US or EU countries.  These are mainly Islamic majority nations in the Middle East and North Africa. This does not imply that a male visitor from these countries can’t convert a woman who accompanied him to the US or EU by local laws.  In this case, she will be classed as a slave on return visits.  Polygamist marriages are recognized as being legally married in the US and most “western” nations, apart from the UK and France, so a visitor can convert all of his wives at once.  In some countries, there is a tax, often quite high, on conversions by non-citizens.  In the US, there is no federal tax of this nature as of 2024, however some lesser jurisdictions do have a tax on non-citizens conversions.

Q: Can you explain contest conversions?
A: Contest conversions are a type of contract, where if you do not “win” the contest, you are in default of the contract and are exposed to a conversion.  Contests with a lower than 50/50 chance of winning are strictly controlled at the federal and state levels.  Contest with less than a 25% chance of winning have to clearly state that signing up for this contest is the same as volunteering for conversion.  Contest may not be of actions that may lead to permeant damage or death.  Wounds that normally heal within 30 days are not considered permeant damage.  Whip, flogging and spanking wounds are explicitly not considered permeant damage.

Q: Can a free woman sign a temporary waiver of her rights as a free woman, for example, for a severe contest?  And what are the limits on these?
A: Yes, they can.  A non conversion waiver has a maximum limit of 72 hours and there is no limit as to what they can waive their rights to, up to and including, the possibility of death.  Women signing multiple consecutive waivers may be considered to have volunteered for conversion, depending on the jurisdiction.

Q: What level of force can a slaver apply to secure a non-voluntary conversion?
A: For all capture attempts, any level of force short of lethal is allowed.  “Stun guns”, “Tasers”, and “bean bag rounds” from shotguns, for example, have been declared as less than lethal.  The force may be applied to the converted woman or any person preventing the capture.  Under some conditions, mainly dealing with a multiple salve capture or contract defaults captures, lethal force may be allowed; however, it is limited to 33% of the total possible slaves in the capture.

Q: What happens if a free woman is taken by a slaver, but it is later found that she is not eligible for conversion?
A: She is freed.  She has no legal ground to sue the slaver responsible, but may sue the individual who created the conversion event.

Q: I understand that there are 3 federally recognized slave grading scales, can you expand on those?
A: There are 3 types of grading for slaves.

      1. Appearance: General sex appeal. Men’s magazine centerfold type girl. Snuffing these slaves is normally a public event, unless there is a reason to rub in the fact that the slave just a slave and her life or death doesn’t mean anything to anyone.  Grade A, A+ and A Prime appearance slaves sell for the most money, all things being equal, however sex and other skill rating scores will have a major effect on the sales price of a slave.  A grade B appearance slave with very high sex scores will often sell for more than a grade A slave who has low sex scores.  This is less apparent in the non sex scores, but a highly rated slave is going to sell for more than a lower rated slave of the same grade, depending on the skill.
      2. Real Meat: If you want good meat, you need good marbling of the meat. Hence, overweight girls score high on this. This type of girl is normally butchered and sold as parts, or put in a smoke house. Either way, not generally a public spectacle.  There are people that like watching spit roasts of Real Meat A grade slaves, knowing that they will have the best possible meat.  Morbidly obese slaves, despite having a large amount of fat, don’t score well on this because their meat to fat ratio is too low.
      3. Twink: Due to the changes to the human genome caused by the Spanish Flu virus at the beginning of the 20th century, skinny males are fairly rare. But bears still like their twinks. So, skinny flat chested girls are sold as faux twinks, normally to gay bars.  This scale recently got an ANSI rating, before it was informal, but an alliance of slaving organizations and gay bar owner’s associations managed to get ANSI to have a scale for twinks to regularize grading and costs.  Depending on trending fashions, models or supermodels, are typically grade A twinks, but with slaves with “good faces” being selected.

Slaves don’t score high on all three grading scales at once, with the possible exception of appearance and twinks. Slaves regularly score B on both of these scales. In fact, if a slave is Grade A in one, it’s highly likely that she is Grade C or lower in the other scales.


Persons of Personal Contact Conversions (PPC) FAQ

Q: What are the Persons of Personal Contact requirements?
A: Have consensual sex three times in the last 30 days and be able to prove it.  Video with sound is considered the best proof, as this also establishes consent.

Q: What is the definition of sex in this context?
A: Any penetration with a penis or strap on device in any of the mouth, anus, or vagina.  As of 2024, male ejaculation on her face also counts as a sex act.

Q: So a hand job doesn’t count, but a blow job does.
A: Correct, however, as of 2024, if you ejaculate on her face because of the hand job it does count.

Q: How far apart must the sex acts be in time?
A: At least 5 minutes, unless the orifice changes, then it doesn’t matter.  Ejaculation as part of the act is not required.

Q: If I have oral sex, anal sex and vaginal sex all in the same event, that counts as all three sex acts needed?
A: Yes, it does, also a so-called “facial” would also count as an act.

Q: I had sex as part of group sex with free partners, does this count?
A: No, multiple free partners count as a performance act and does not qualify you for PPC status.

Q: What if one or more of the partners are already slaves?
A: As of 2024, slaves don’t count in “performance acts” considerations, only the number of free persons.

Q: What if I have sex with a free prostitute?
A: If a value of more than $25.00 changes hands, it does not count as an act that leads to PPC status.

School and Contract conversion FAQ

Q: Can you explain school conversions?
A: Schools can issue a contract that a student at the school must meet select dress codes and behavior patterns.  Repeated violations of these can result in a default on the contract and expose the student to conversions.  Depending on the contract, it may also expose the sisters, stepsisters, stepmothers, and mother of the student to conversion as well.  Public schools systems may have implied contracts as a condition of attending the school, but these can only effect the individual student, not family members.

Q: What about employees?
A: Of course, the PPC rules still apply, but the normal conversion route for employees is by an employment contract.  A woman’s employee contract can contain a conversion option; however, she must be able to “buy” her way out of the conversion.  A man’s employment contract can expose his wife, daughters, or stepdaughters to conversion in some cases, but these are rare.

Q: What is an “asset slave”?
A: An asset slave is a high-value slave owned by a corporation.  In some jurisdictions, this status is taxed and is provided with some protections.

Q: I’ve heard that some companies were sued, and the plaintiff gained some executives or executives’ wives and daughters as slaves.   Is this true?
A: Yes.  While less likely than a natural person to defaulting on a contract, corporations can default on a contract.  This often exposes female executives and the family members of male executives to conversion.  Moreover, female executives and the family members of male executives may be sold to pay the corporation’s fines, if so ordered by the judge overseeing the case.

Marriage Conversion FAQ

Q:At what point can I convert my bride?
A: Any time after you have signed your marriage license.

Q:What is the status of a marriage after the wife’s conversion?
A: It is legally annulled, and you are no longer considered married.

Q: Does a slave wedding have to have bondage?
A: No, but it helps make it more real.

Q: Can I convert the maid of honor or the bridesmaids?
A: Only if you have had consensual sex with them 3 time in the last 30 days, or if they volunteer.  Having the required sex acts being preformed as part of the marriage ceremony is both common and popular.

Q: I’d like to convert my wife’s family.  I’ve read that high dowries can lead to this.  Can you explain this?
A: The short version is it’s a contract violation if they don’t produce the dowries specified in the marriage agreement.  Normally, this exposes only the mother, sisters, or stepsisters of the bride, but could expose cousins depending on living arrangements.

Q: What can a dowries be?
A: Anything of value.

Q: So, 2 goats and a sheep could be the dowries?
A: Yes, but unlikely.

Q: Can I change my mind and not have a slave wife?
A: You can, but it costs $500 for the manumission tax, and you will need to have another legal marriage to be considered legally married again as your previous marriage was annulled on her conversion,

Q: What are the tax benefits of having a slave wife?
A: Short answer, she doesn’t exist for tax reasons, to include being a dependent.  Any monies she earns or controls also doesn’t exist for taxes.

Q: What is a SINO?
A: Slave In Name Only.  This is often a status given to a slave “wife”. In some jurisdictions, this status is taxed and is provided with some protections.

Q: Can I have my slave wife give head to the whole of the wedding party?
A: She’s a slave, you can do anything you want with her.

Q: Is a snuff required at a slave wedding?
A: No, but it sets a nice tone.

Q: Can I have more than one slave wife?
A: Legally yes, as she doesn’t exist legally, you can have as many as you want.  Assuming you pay the taxes, you may even have multiple SINO slaves.

Q: My new wife has teenage daughters, what are my options?
A: You can keep them free, or assuming they are above the age of consent, you can convert them to slave status any time after the marriage certificate is signed.

Q: Can I keep my wife’s daughters as free women even after I’ve converted their mother?
A: Yes, they, as well as daughters under the age of consent, are legally your stepdaughters.  As such, they are under your complete control.  Of course, you can’t convert a stepdaughter under the age of consent.

Q: My wedding turned into a massive orgy.  Who can I convert from this?
A: Any female of free status that you had sex with 3 times in the last 30 days is the basic requirement. As of 2024, doing this in public is allowable, however the actual sex act must be a one-on-one sex act, or with slaves as the other partners.

Q: I’ve gotten tired of my slave wife.  What are my options?
A: There are basically two options here.  Sell or snuff.  The option you take up to you.  You can, in theory, pay the manumission tax and free her, but that is a rare and fairly expensive occurrence.

Q: How do I divorce a slave wife?
A: Again, sell, snuff, or free.  The important thing to remember is that she has no demands on your other property, no more than your TV or car does, even if you choose the “free” option.

Q: I, accidentally or deliberately, damaged or killed a friend’s slave wife.  Can I be arrested or charged with any offense?
A: Yes, for destruction of property.  Depending on the market value of the slave, and state laws, this may be a misdemeanor or a felony.   She is like a TV set.  The owner can toss a brick into the TV set any time they feel like it.  You can’t unless they say you can.  And this is not limited to the “wife” but applies to all slaves they own.

Do you have a question not answered here?  Email us!