Friday morning Dawson Lowery woke up alone in his bed. Not real happy about it but remembered that Tiffany would be his in a few days. He could live with out sex until then. If all else failed there was always his left hand. He looked around the room and noticed that it hadn’t been cleaned up. Laying in bed he remembered that he has sold his wife to be spit roasted. That was good, he always wanted to watch a slave roast. It being his ex wife was just icing on the cake. Funny now he’s already thinking of Caroline as an ex. Thinking about her on a spit made his dick surprising hard. But either he’s gonna have to do the cleaning himself or hire a maid service. He looked up maid services on the web and found that there were a few in Eastlake. All of them making a big deal about their cleaners being “bonded free women” And they were surprisingly expensive. The cheapest one was fifty a day with a discount for a daily clean, weekend not included. He clicked on the discount and found that it was a thousand a month, which was a discount of four hundred from the fourteen hundred that it would normally be.
“That’s a bit steep. Hmm, let see what a cleaning slave costs. I know I will be getting Tiffany but based on what her work area always looks like, she’s not the cleaning type. Plus she’s going to be at dealership all day and really will not have time to tidy up before I get home as she’s riding in the car with me. I don’t trust her enough to give her own car. Maybe after a couple of years when she’s broken in, but not now. Hiring a slave hunter cost more than she’s worth. Good thing she’s not aware of that, because that might make her make a run for it before Saturday. Let me see if I can get a cleaning slave from Spellbook. There must be some older women enslaved, which would fit the bill quite nicely.”
“Spellbook Slaves, how can I help you?”
“Hi, this is Dawson Lowery, I just sold you my wife and daughters. I forgot that Caroline did the tidying up and cleaning when the girls refused to do it.”
“I’m sorry but it’s past the grace period and none of them are available now. You would have to contact their new owners if you want them back. Checking their status, Caroline has been tagged for being snuffed in the next 7 days which means it going to be very expensive to get her back. Your daughters went to ‘501 meat packing company’ and I know from past experience they don’t return a slave until they are ‘used up’ and that takes two or three years. Sorry.”
“No, you don’t understand, I don’t want them back, I want a cleaning slave.”
“Do you want a cleaning and sex slave or just a cleaning slave? We have both options.”
“Just cleaning. I should be getting a sex slave next week, quarterly bonus. I know she can’t clean for shit based on what her work area looks like. I’ll be down after five if you are still open.”
“We are open twenty four hours a day.”
I’m here to see your cleaning slaves. I spoke with some one about it this morning.
“Ah, yes, Mr. Lowery. The morning shift left a note. We’ve taken the liberty of moving our cleaning slaves to the holding area. Let me have them brought up.”
Five slaves are brought up. Four are elderly or middle ages women who haven’t kept their youthful bloom, if they ever had it. Obviously not sex slaves. The fifth was a young brunet who looked like she could be a sex slave. She was a bit short and her tits weren’t all the large, but over all looked pretty good.
“Why is that one in the line up?” pointing at the younger slave.
“Well, she’s a special case. She doesn’t have the looks to be a spit roast, and she has horrible sex training scores. Under 20 for both oral and vaginal and she refused to even be tested for anal. This was before she was a slave of course, but we didn’t feel like forcing her to be tested in the ass because if her other scores were so low, it wouldn’t matter what her anal score is.”
“So she can’t fuck. Why make her a cleaning slave?”
“Her last place of employment was with a cleaning agency. We’ve been having her clean the front of the store at night and she does a very good job. Better than the agency we were using. And a lot cheaper. Of course she’s also tagged as a snuff slave, but we haven’t had a call for one of those in the last month. Schools out of session so they don’t need demo slaves and we don’t really get along with The Torture Channel. There is bad blood between the owner and the local management of them. Cuts a little into the bottom line but he’s not willing to even talk to them. Any way, she’s four hundred plus tax, which is two fifty regardless of the cost of the slave. So six fifty walk out price.”
“That’s less than 14 days with a cleaning service. Why would any body use a service?”
“Well most people only use a service once a month or a one time thing, like for moving out of a apartment, so getting a slave, while cheaper in the long run, is a fairly large amount of cash all at once. Most people don’t want that. Most of the services that clean business use slave labor so they can be much cheaper on a monthly basis. Very much cheaper if you don’t want bonding. Which is good way to lose small items. I think that some services actually tell their slaves to do that. We have an open contract with a cleaning service. We sell all our cleaning slaves to them every 90 days or so.”
“I’ll take her. What’s her name?”
“What ever you want, but her free name was Yvette Webster”
Even with Spellbook Slaves not getting along with The Torture Channel, I’m planing of having them have some action.