This is a classic story from November 2017, slightly edited to fit current canon
Spellbook Slaves, how may I help you?
I want to buy your five cheapest slaves for a sacrifice to the dark lord.
OK, we can do that for you. We have about half a dozen grade B- or C that are tagged “for quick sale”, so they are going for just fifty over tax price, which means you can get five for one thousand five hundred, tax and all.
Do you have on site snuffing?
Yes, we have a full torture and snuff room as well as a hanging room.
Can you hang five at a time?
Yes, but we rent by the noose and by the minute in 10 minute blocks. I can make you a deal, assuming you don’t want the bodies after the ritual, two thousand, all up, and you get the room for as long as needed.
What are you going to do with the bodies after the ritual?
Cut them up for meat. Starting a meat counter as well as our live roast offering.
That is an acceptable use of a handmaiden’s corpse. I will take your offer. We will arrive slightly before night fall. It is important that the ritual be preformed as the sun sets.
Several hours later, near night fall.
O Domine tenebris! Auferte ista quinque. Sicut dignum et iustum est et facere. Benedictus Dominus nomen tenebris.
It is time! Now hang the handmaids for the dark lord! May the people feed on their flesh!