It’s a living

This is a classic White Slave Act of 2000 story from Nov. 2014.  It fits with in current canon.

My name is Richard Miller, and I’m a graduate of the UCLA film school. I work as video camera operator for TTC, or The Torture Channel. This is not where I saw myself working after graduation, but, as I found out, becoming the next breakout indie filmmaker is harder than it looks. In the meanwhile, paying bills and generally getting by is important. At least I don’t have to worry about being converted if I miss a student loan payment, like some of my classmates do.

Speaking of which, in a bit of deliberate irony, TTC makes a habit of buying up girls from film schools that fall behind on their loan payments. Once bought, they are given a series of test, and spend some time working with production crews. Those that score well on their test and seem to work well are made asset slaves and get to work behind the camera. Those that don’t do well in these tests, well, they work in front of the camera.

So, any way, this morning I’m filming yet another torture scene. After a while, they sort of all blurs together. I recognize a voice. Vonnie Degrave, one of the people I did my final class project with. Vonnie was a bit flaky then, I can’t imagine that TTC would hire her.

Ah. They didn’t. Looks like she never got over that habit of not keeping current on bills. You would think that after 24 years of female slavery, and at least 8 years of conversion as the normal result of missing debt payments, women would learn. Seems, at least in Vonnie’s case, she didn’t. Sucks to be her.

Torture Zipper.
Torture Zipper.

So, they put her in a spider gag. That’s a ring gag with 4 or 6 curving spikes on the outside of it. Very popular in some circles. Then they start to cover her body in clamps, putting them quite deep into her flesh. After they are all put on, a line is tied to each one, making what is called a zipper. How this works is that after the clamps have been on long enough for the victim to get, if not used to them, a little numb, they are all pulled off in one fast motion. Most girls I’ve seen this done to seem to think the pulling off hurts more than them just being on them. Don’t know never had it done to me, and if I have anything to say about it, will never know. I do know that doing zippers is currently really high on the popularity charts, so I’ve filmed at least a dozen in the last year.

So, the “director” of this little vignette reviews the papers. “Hey, it says here she went to your school, know her Rich?

Yeah, in fact, she was one of my project teammates. A bit of a flake.

Well, it time you got some ‘director’ experience then. I’ll run the camera, you pull the zipper off her. I’ll give you director’s credit for this one.

That’s actually a big deal. TTC is all about your credits. Makes a difference come promotion time and what shows you work on. This would be my first non cameraman credits. Granted, a 2-minute torture scene wouldn’t make my career, but having it wouldn’t hurt. At least not here.

Vonnie looks up at me, and is trying to say something to me, but can’t because of the spider gag. She makes a sound that you might call mewing.

I look down on her, grab the cord and yank as fucking hard as I can.

She screams, really freaking loud.

That’s for making us get an 80% in the final project, bitch.

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