Tesla Preparatory School’s New Rules.

Monday Morning, Tesla Preparatory School

Hello and welcome to Tesla Preparatory School! This assembly is to inform you of the new student rules of conduct and will be repeated at the start of the normal school year. There have been some quite sweeping changes, and these rules may be modified if found to be needed during this summer school session.  Changes, if any, will not take effect until the start of the normal school year.

Let’s start with the dress code

The easiest one is for male students:  It’s simple, whatever you want as long as you are wearing both some sort of pants and some sort of shirt, with the exception being that you have the option of being nude.  If nude, you may wear shoes and socks.  The socks may not reach above mid-shin if nude or if wearing shorts.  We would prefer that you don’t wear a shirt with the name or logo of one of the competing Eastlake schools.  A tee shirt with the Tesla Eagle logo will be issued to all male students.  You are encouraged to wear this shirt on Fridays to show support for the school. However, this is not required.  Wearing school colors is required by a member of any athletic team on Fridays, even if your sport is not in season.  You may not wear body paint as a replacement for clothing.

For students in the mistress in training class, or those that have a full mistress warrant:  You may wear standard mistress garb or SMG as it is called.  That is a black skirt of any material, however leather or latex is preferred.  You must either be topless, wearing a black corset, a black bra, or a black crop top. It is encouraged that students in a mistress class be topless, but is not required. The top of a black two piece swim wear is acceptable as a top, however just wearing a two — piece swimsuit is not acceptable, you must wear a black skirt of some sort.  Your skirt and only your skirt may have the school logo of an eagle in the school colors of Kelly green and eggshell; however, it is encouraged that you not have a logo on the skirt. The skirt must be mainly black, even if it has a logo.  Gloves or partial gloves, on one or both hands, are allowed. Necklaces are allowed, but discouraged.  You may not wear body paint in school as a replacement for mistress garb, even if you would otherwise be allowed or required to wear body paint. An exception is made for athletes at their event but not in the school on the day of an event.  Failure to follow this dress code may result in you being punished at any level or dropped from the class at the discretion of the teacher of the class.  If you have a full warrant, you may carry a black or red leather whip.  In any case, Tasers or stun guns are not allowed.

For other female students: Nude, or in some cases, body paint. In all cases, pubic hair is to be removed or shaven. A student discount for laser hair removal is offered at several spas in town. You may wear shoes. However, they must be leather or patent leather.  Green canvas shoes may also be worn; however, this is discouraged. In any case, the shoes must be green, black, white, red, black preferred for leather and patent leather.  Green is required for canvas shoes. Black patent leather shoes and green canvas shoes are available in the school store, with a limit of one pair per school year. These are on a first come, first served basis.    You may wear stockings; however, they must reach to at least the bottom of the knee and may be green or white, white being preferred.

A green or white patent leather purse is allowed. Schoolbooks may be carried with a book strap of any color. If materials apart from books are required in a class, these items may be carried in a shoulder bag of any material that is in the school colors. Shoulder bags are only allowed when used to carry class materials. Backpacks are not allowed to be worn or carried at any time for any reason.

Body paint is allowed for cheerleaders, approved pep club members, members of the flag girl squad, and dance team at any time. The paint must mimic clothing covering the breast and genital area, and it should resemble the uniform of the wearer. Stripes and other designs are not allowed.  An exception to this is that a Kelly green and eggshell eagle motif is allowed on days of an athletic event.

Female athletes are required to wear body paint when competing or on the day of the event in school, however are not allowed to wear body paint at any other time.  Body paint must be in general be school colors, white, black, or red.  School colors are preferred for non athletes and are required of athletes. If you are eligible for body paint because you are allowed to wear it every day, and you are an athlete, you must wear school colors on the day of your event.

Student Behavior Rules

All students are required to obey all federal, state and local laws, with federal laws being used even if there is a state law in conflict with the federal law.  In particular this applies to drug laws.

Violation of any law is an automatic consideration by the conversion board that week for female students of age, and expulsion from the whole of the Eastlake school district for males and females underage.  Of course, this is in addition to what every legal actions the government may take on you.  Within the school building, but not the school grounds, there are some select laws of a sexual nature that can be broken.

The ban on smoking by individuals under the age of 18 strictly enforced.  This is expanded to include “vaping” or electronic cigarettes. Needless to say, the drinking of an alcoholic beverage is forbidden on school grounds, even if you’re over the age of 21.

Eastlake has a maximum sound level allowed by motorized vehicles. This will be strictly enforced in the school parking lot and there is zero tolerance for this.

Violations of the dress code.  

Males:  One day detention, You have to really work at violating the male dress code.


Minor dress code violations: Wearing wrong color or material of clothing. This includes shoes, stocking, carried items, or body paint. Failure to shave your pubic hair also counts as a minor dress code violation. One day detention.

Major dress code violations:  Wearing body paint or mistress garb when you are not allowed to do so. Automatic consideration by the conversion board that week.

General rules.

For all students.

Being tardy: One day detention.  Tardy is defined as not in the classroom within two minutes of the tardy bell. .  This applies for any reason unless you have a signed note from a teacher or staff member giving you an explicit exception to be tardy for that class.

Causing another student to be tardy: Two days detention.

Blocking the halls or other common areas without permission from administrative staff: Three days detention.  This is applied instead of the tardy penalty, even if it makes multiple students tardy.  Sexual activities are not a valid excuse for blocking a hall or common area.

Missing one or more classes without an acceptable reason: three days detention. Allowed reasons include a valid medical condition.  A doctor’s note must be provided for this. Other acceptable reasons include a family emergency, being signed out of school by a parent or legal guardian in person, attending a funeral of a non-slave family member, being involved in some sort of judicial matter. Being involved in a non one car motor vehicle accident.  Other reasons will be decided on a case by case basis by administrative staff.  In all cases, a signed statement explaining why the student was absent must be provided. Weather is not an acceptable reason unless there has been a formal alert issued by the weather services or the administration has called for a no school day.

Making a disturbance in class: Up to the instructor, but no more than three days detention.  Instructors with a mistress warrant my use physical punishment on female students of no more than 20 strokes.

Engaging in behavior resulting in a lack of good order in the school: Up to the instructor or staff member but no more than three days detention. Instructors or staff with a mistress warrant may use physical punishment on female students of no more than 40 strokes.

Any female student not in body paint or mistress garb may be used for any sexual purpose, excluding vaginal intercourse, at any time outside of classes.  Within a class, sexual activity is allowed only if the teacher approves it.

If an instructor needs a student for demonstration purposes, up to and including torture or snuffing, the descending order of choice in which the student selected is Cheerleader, Pep Club, Flag Team, Dance Team, Athlete, Slave student, Normal student.  There is a limit of three demonstrations per class per day.



Detentions are after school hours and last three hours.  All students are expected to remain silent and may not use any electronic device.

Female students will, at the very least, be put in strict bondage and be gagged. At the option of the monitor, they may receive any torture short of major damage or death.  The monitor may use the student in any sexual way they want.

A student may have up to five detentions per nine week grading period.  When the student does their sixth detention level offense, a male student will be  expelled from the Eastlake school system. A female student will be placed on the docket of the weekly conversion board.  Parents may pay two thousand dollars to have her removed from the docket. If converted, the slave will be sold at public auction the following Monday.  If not sold, she will be publicly snuffed at school the following Wednesday.

Students in a mistress training class may only be given detention by the instructor of that class. The instructor will take the request of other staff and faculty into consideration.  The instructor of the class may, at their option, preform any sort of punishment to the trainee to include torture or death.



3 thoughts on “Tesla Preparatory School’s New Rules.”

  1. This is really good. The refs are great!

    What sport do you think the painted one plays?

    I still think the mittens have it too good but that is nothing new… *The entitled scanks*

    I do see one loophole that I think the bord(and probably you) didn’t think of that I bet that one mistress teacher would LOVE to exploit. Maybe two. Though I do wonder what the consequences for her would be if she tried to use the big one… I am sure the, “deen of discipline,” would love to find out since they don’t get along too well. :-p

  2. yep… wait… what happened to Josh stone… oh wait thats right he is dean of discipline at Dutch Hall. My bad.

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